In the beginning was the Word—
an exhalation of divine love, imagination, wholeness, grace.
It echoed over windswept deserts,
savannahs, ice fields, open waters,
encircled mountains
thundered through valleys
and made itself utterly at home in silence.
Still audible today in every
creak of a door opening in welcome, every
apology and acceptance, every
sip of water offered the least of these, every
voice that cries out for the fragility of our planet
for the refugee about to drown
the Trans youth disowned
the child bride, the trafficked, the addict,
the youth gunned down by racism.
The Word was written
and is legible still in the courses of rivers
the calligraphy of bare branches
the choreography of starlings
the scalloping on the sand
the scroll on the sea shell
the posture of the pacifist
the soles of the peace marchers
the signature on the truce
the architecture of the hive
the invitation to break bread
the exhortation to break down walls
the whirl of autumn leaves
the whorl on each finger as it reaches
to connect, to bear witness, to serve
and in the face of one aware of the indwelling Word,
who inhales mindfully to exhale